Monday, December 5, 2011

Closet Purge

Y'all. I have entirely too many clothes and I'm the first to admit it. I have a problem with holding onto things that I may use/wear one day. I know that I'll probably never end up using or wearing it, but that doesn't stop me from saving it for later. I blame my genes.

This weekend I finally had enough of the disaster that it my closet. I was ruthless!! I was getting rid of stuff left and right-didn't even bother trying it on! If I hadn't worn it in a year, it was gone. And it felt so good!!!

Three trashbags later, I have a much cleaner closet. It feels good getting rid of junk! Now if I could just apply that to the rest of my house....oh well, it's a process, right?!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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