Monday, March 18, 2013

Fisher is 21 Months Old!

*Fisher weighs 23ish lbs (I'm guessing).

*He wears cloth diapers (size 3/4 in a disposable) and 12-18 month outfits. He wears a size 5 shoe.
* He still has a great appetite. His current favorite foods are yogurt, crackers, and bologna.

*He still loves reading books all of the time.

* He is drinking water and milk during the day, but mostly water.

* He goes to bed between 830 and 930, and wakes up around that same time in the morning..

* he still takes one nap a day, usually 1-1.5 hours long.

*New words that I can remember include vacuum, octopus ("ocpus"), opposite ("opsit"), baseball, glove, monster truck ("mon truck"), Dolly (as in Dolly Parton), lamp ("limp"), umbrella ("umbella"), backpack, school bus stop, mail truck, scoop, nite nite, ambulance ("amblance"), fire truck, miss it/make it (thanks to l the basketball we've been watching), Sullivan, Sully, brother

*He is OBSESSED with trucks ("crucks"-I'm guessing a combo of car/truck). He will point out every single one that we see-in the car, on TV, books, etc. He loves to see and talk about "big trucks"-even just hearing what he thinks is a truck noise will set him off! He also loves buses right now. He is also obsessed with his tractors, but trucks are the clear winner right now.

*He has been especially loving lately-always giving (wet) kisses and hugs. I love it! He has been very loving to the baby lately-he always to lift my shirt up and kiss the baby, poke my "button" (belly button), and say "bye baby".

*Lovie ("Lully") is still very much a constant attachment, and so is his thumb in his mouth when he's tired.

*He now knows his elbows, booty, armpits 

*Still loves taking a shower.

*He loves to look at himself in the camera on my phone and play games on my phone, although we're making more of an effort to not have the phone out.

*He loves to help throw clothes, mainly socks, in the dryer. He will also attempt to help me put utensils in the dishwasher, although he would rather take them out! He also likes to help me cook-mainly stirring and trying to lick things.
* The only teeth he lacks are his two year molars.

*Nicknames: Fishy, Bubba, Bubby, Baby, Buddy, Bug, love

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