Monday, July 21, 2014

Sullivan is 16 Months Old!

yes, I let him eat paper in an attempt to keep him still. It didn't work.

* Sullivan weighs about 22 pounds.
* He wears size 9-12 month clothes, and he wears one-size cloth diapers (size 4 in disposables)
*He is always on the go!
*He is a paper magnet. He will find paper anywhere and immediately put it in his mouth.
 * He nurses every 4-6 hours. When he takes a bottle, he'll drink 5-7 ounces. He's tried whole milk when he steals Fisher's cup, but he always makes a face and spits it back out.
*He loves, loves, loves smoothies and guacamole.
*He loves playing with balls, the water table, and sitting on the little 4wheeler.
*He does not like people! He usually cries if someone looks at him, or at least buries his head in my shoulder. He's still a big mama's boy.
* Sleep....oh, sleep. We are majorly struggling in this department. He wakes up 2-4 times a night; sometimes I can get him to go right back to sleep after nursing/patting, and sometimes we're up for a while. He will nap for 2-3 hours, though, which is nice.
*He's a snuggler.
*He doesn't like men, at all. He likes his daddy and his Pops. His uncles are questionable. :)
*He has 11 teeth. Three of his molars have finally come through.
*His eyes are hazel-they're beautiful!
*He knows his nose, ears, belly button, teeth, and tongue.
*He likes to pat-a-cake, and he knows the motions. He also likes to stomp his foot. He's started saying "yah" and kicking his foot-practicing his karate.
*He has lots of words now-mama, dada, YaYa, Pops, Lenny, Percy, snack (nack), outside (side), no, banana (mnana), dog, choo choo, ball, swing...He uses "no" very appropriately. :) bite (for food and drink), yes ("yeah"), thank you , Fisher ("Tisher"), delicious, light, book, boot
*He loves to eat with a spoon or a fork. He'll end up eating much more that way than if I try to feed him. He's very messy, but so proud of himself.
*He is fearless! He loves to climb, and he loves to slide. He thinks he's as big as his brother :)
*He will give giant, open mouth slobbery kisses. And if you're not careful, he'll stick his tongue in your mouth. :)
* He loves to antagonize Fisher. He will always take whatever Fisher is playing with, and he loves to pull his hair.
* Nicknames: Sully, Brother, Bug, Brother Bear, Turkey

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