Friday, December 17, 2010

December is here!!

We always go on the hunt to find the perfect Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. We heard down to the Merry Christmas Tree Farm in Nesbit, MS, to find and cut down the best tree we can find. Usually, it's just my immediate family and Nellie and I. This year, my grandparents came (they usually let us pick their tree for them), my aunts and cousins, and our family came. It was almost like it was years ago-when the ENTIRE family would go to Santa's Forest and cut down our trees and dirnk hot chocolate. It was the perfect day for tree shopping-not too cold, and the trees were gorgeous! Nothing beats a fresh cut Christmas tree, with that beautiful smell-LOVE IT! We will never go artificial. I understand some people prefer it, but I might actually die if we had to! Ok, not really, but a real tree is that important to me. So, we could actually get a tree bigger than 5 feet tall because we're in our new house this year. We got an 8 foot beauty-here she is!!
Our little family, with Verdi the foster dog

I let hubs do all the cutting work-makes him feel more manly! :)

He loves his tree!

There she is, ready for her trip home!

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