Monday, February 7, 2011

Boy or Girl??

One of the questions we get asked a lot is "Do you know what you're having?" or "When do you find out what you're having?". Our answer is always, "We don't know and we're not finding out until the baby gets here.". People are either: A. excited about not finding out and think it's really cool, or B. thinks that's the dumbest/weirdest thing that anyone has ever done. Thus, I feel the need to explain why we're not finding out, not that it matters...

Ok, so the baby itself wasn't a surprise, but you get the point! :)

Quite simply, I've never wanted to find out what we're having. Long before I was married, engaged, dating, etc., I had already decided that I would never find out the sex of my children before they were born. And I hoped my future husband would go along with it! :)

My mom never found out with any of us, probably because they just didn't do ultrasounds then. I always thought it was the neatest thing, and I am so excited that we finally get to experience that!

Unless you've been there, in the hospital room when they announce that it's a boy or a girl after months of not knowing, you really can't get it. The overwhelming excitement and joy that you feel are unable to be put into words.

Would I be any less excited about having a baby if we did find out the sex beforehand? Of course not. But, no matter what it ends up being, we're keeping it, so why does it matter?? I realize people will never agree on finding out/not finding out, but those are our reasons. In case you cared :)

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