Sunday, May 8, 2011

And We're Strolling Now!

For our baby shower gift, my grandmother and aunts got us our travel system. We finally got it today, and Hubs put it together while I supervised. :) Here's what it looks like, all nice and pretty...
The Chicco Cortina travel system in Discovery.
And, here's how it came to us. Not so neat and pretty...

But! Have no fear-the wonderful husband is here!

He evens reads directions!
And so follows the tedious process of putting the stroller together. The instructions sometimes left a lot to the imagination!

Yay! It all fit together without any spare parts!
But does the carseat fit in it??

Yes it does!! Success!!
But, most importantly, how do the parents look pushing the stroller??

He looks pretty good!

I look even better! hah...
I wanted to put the dog in it to see how it would feel pushing a baby (ok, she's more of a hefty toddler weight) around, but that idea was shot down very quickly. So, the stroller got packed up and put away until the real, non furry (we hope) baby gets here. Can't wait!!!

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