Friday, May 27, 2011

Toes in the Sand...

I'll be taking a bit of a blogging break because I'll be sitting on the beach in Panama City for a whole week. That's right, I'm not planning on doing anything except soaking up the sun, reading books, spending time with my family, and resting. After all, this is probably the last stress free, don't have to worry about anything vacation I'll have in a long time!

I'm thoroughly looking forward to my week on the beach, making lots of memories with my sweet family. We'll have a house full; there will be around 15-20 people there at any given time. And I love the thought of it! DOn't worry, I'll take lots of pictures to show you when we get back! I hope everyone has a great week; I know I will!!

Just a few of the views I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of over the next week...

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